Undaunted: Normandy
This week, Stephen and John go to war with the instant classic Conflict of Interest, Undaunted: Normandy! Designed by David Thompson and Trevor Benjamin, Undaunted: Normandy was published by Osprey Games in 2019. It was nominated in 2019 for the BoardGameGeek Golden Geek Award for the Best 2-Player Game and won the BoardGameGeek Golden Geek Award for Best War Game. Undaunted: Normandy is the first game in the Undaunted Series.

Spirit Island
This week, the panel defends their homeland from colonial invasion in a game of Spirit Island. Designed by E. Eric Reuss, Spirit Island was published by Greater Than Games in 2017, and has since been expanded several times.

This week, the panel delves into the dungeon with the classic deck-builder, Thunderstone. Designed by Mike Elliott, Thunderstone was published in 2009 by Alderac Entertainment Group. It had five expansions before being re-implemented by Thunderstone Advance: Towers of Ruin in 2012.

Ghost Stories
Join the panel this week as they try to exorcise Wu-Feng's minions in Ghost Stories. Designed by Antoine Bauza, Ghost Stories was published by Repos Productions in 2008.

the Downfall of Pompeii
Join the panel this week as they race to the city gates to talk about the Downfall of Pompeii!
The Downfall of Pompeii, designed by Klaus-Jürgen Wrede, was first published by Amigo and Mayfair in 2004.

Dominant Species
This week, the panel digs into our recent game of Dominant Species!
Dominant Species, designed by Chad Jensen, was first published by GMT Games in 2010. In 2011, it was nominated for the BoardGameGeek Golden Geek Award for Most Innovative and Best Thematic Game and won two Golden Geeks for Best Strategy Game and Game of the Year.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: the Game (2000)
Previously, on Games to the Cellar... We played a game of Buffy the Vampire Slayer: the Game! The good one from Milton Bradley!
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Game (2000), designed by Rob Daviau, Bill Sabram, and Craig van Ness, was published by Milton Bradley in 2000.

Puerto Rico
Join us this week as we sail into a game of Puerto Rico.
Puerto Rico, a Spiel des Jahres nominee, was designed by Andreas Seyfarth and was first published by Alea, Ravensburger, and Rio Grande Games in 2002.

Mississippi Queen
Join us this week in our first episode of Season 2 of Games from the Cellar. We ride the tide of the Mighty Mississippi in the 1997 Classic, Mississippi Queen!
Mississippi Queen, designed by Werner Hodel, was first published by Rio Grande Games in the US in 1997. Mississippi Queen won the Spiel des Jares in 1997.

Take a Chance with us this week as we play Monopoly! (This could be our most popular or unpopular episode yet!)
Depending on where in the story you start, Monopoly was either first designed by Elizabeth J. Magie and patented in 1904 as the Landlord’s Game, or developed and patented by Charles Darrow in 1935. It was first published by Parker Brothers. Monopoly was awarded “Game of the Century” by the Toy Retailers Association.

Survive: Escape from Atlantis
Join us this week, as the panel dives in and discusses the board gaming classic, Survive: Escape from Atlantis!
Survive: Escape from Atlantis!, designed by Julian Courtland-Smith, was originally published in 1982 by Parker Brothers. It was later reprinted by Stronghold Games in 2012.

Top 10 from the Cellar (to Be Played at a Later Date)
Join us as we dive into a list of games that we hope to play on the show in the very near future.
That's it, no real show notes this week, just a list of games and why we want to play them.

Power Grid
Join us this week as the panel powers up a game of Power Grid!
Power Grid, also known as Funkenschlag, was designed by Friedemann Friese and was first published in the US by Rio Grande Games in 2004.

Join us as we put on our thinking caps and take on the Reiner Knizia classic, Ingenious.
Ingenious, designed by Reiner Knizia, was first published by KOSMOS and Fantasy Flight Games in 2004. Ingenious was nominated for the Spiel des Jahres in 2004 and won a Golden Geek Award for Best Family Game in 2006.

Roll Through the Ages
Come roll the dice with us as we play Roll Through the Ages!
Roll Through the Ages, designed by Matt Leacock, was first published by Eagle-Gryphon Games in 2008. It was nominated for the Spiel des Jahres in 2010.

Join us this week as we clash together in battle with Unmatched.
Unmatched, designed by Rob Daviau and Justin D. Jacobson, was first published by Restoration Games and Mondo Games in 2019. There are several expansions, and tonight the panel played Unmatched: Battle of Legends, Volume One, … Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and Jurrasic Park - Dr. Sattler Vs. T-Rex.

Merchant of Venus
Join us this week as we explore one of the Classics, Merchant of Venus.
Merchant of Venus, designed by Richard Hamblin, was first published by Avalon Hill in 1988. The Second Edition was a joint effort by Fantasy Flight Games and Stronghold Games and was published in 2012